11th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology
Outreach included
26th - 30th November 2024, Lluc, Balearic Islands
Backgroung credits: A. Cladera
The Group of Iberian Asteroseismologists (ie, GIA) is already involved in all main space missions: The third generation of stellar seismology space telescopes is about to start. The deadline for PLATO launch is only two years away. Long and high-duty-cycle observations are awaiting us to be analyzed in the near future focusing on host Sun-like stars with Earth-like planets in the Habitable zone. CoRoT and Kepler legacy is still ongoing and the amount of TESS and Cheops data is increasing month after month, sector by sector. In that way, the pieces of the stellar structure and evolution puzzle, such as magnetism, rotation, or age, are starting to fall into place. In this scenario, HAYDN might be an essential key to this understanding: The first space mission whose main aim is stellar seismology, HAYDN will be able to delve into the crowded stellar clusters to study single members. As a group, we should explore all opportunities and spot future challenges in order to develop common long-term strategies.
One of these frontiers to cross is the Open Science topic which time has come to stay. Not only the researchers should know all the secrets from the stars. Outreach activities, ProAm projects, Citizen Science are concepts more present in society as time goes. The Iberian Community should take this train and propose all possible channels to be aware of our results to the public: these are humankind findings.
Registration and abstacts submission opening: Monday, September 2nd
Abstracts submission deadline: Tuesday, October 1st
Registration deadline: Monday, November 18th*
*The deadline for cancellation of accommodation is one month before the start of the conference.
Sebastià Barceló Forteza - IAA-CSIC (Spain) - chair
Paul Beck - IAC (Spain)
Antonio Garcia Hernandez - UGR (Spain)
Andrés Moya Bedón - UV (Spain)
Anthony Noll - ICE (Spain)
Javier Pascual Granado - IAA-CSIC (Spain)
Angela RG Santos - IA (Portugal)
Sebastià Barceló Forteza - IAA-CSIC (Spain) - chair
Javier Pascual Granado - IAA-CSIC (Spain)
Antonio Garcia Hernandez - UGR (Spain)
You can send any questions you may have to:
Tentative agenda
Wednesday, 27th
9:30 Institutional Talks
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Project Talks
14:00 Lunch
15:30 Hands-on
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Hands-on
19:00 Free
Thursday, 28th
9:30 Student Talks
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Hands-on
14:00 Lunch
15:30 Hands-on
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Hands-on
19:00 Free
Friday, 29th
9:30 Hands-on
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Hands-on
14:00 Lunch
15:30 Hands-on
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Hands-on
19:00 Free
Saturday, 30th
9:30 Funding Opportunities
10:30 Summary and Concluding Remarks
11:30 Coffee Break
Registration fee
The standard registration fee is 220 EUR. It covers access to all events listed in the program and coffee breaks.
There is the possibility to accommodate at the Santuari de Lluc: Accommodation in a double room for single use, from the arrival on Tuesday 26 November 2024 to the departure on Saturday 30 November 2024 costs 380 EUR (575 EUR for double rooms. To share a double room, add the name of the second guest to the form after it appears the option. The second guest only needs to pay the registration fee).
How to register?
To register you must complete all required fields of the registration form. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. If you need an official invoice, do not forget to include the necessary data in the form.
Only those registrations up to date with the payment of the registration fee will be considered valid.
If you are willing to make a hands-on project, you can send us a (maximum of) 300-word abstract. Accepted contributions will have the opportunity to make a 5-min presentation during the first day of the meeting.
There will also be early-stage career talks for any PhD student with the aim of presenting their work in a friendly environment. The duration of their presentation will be determined after the contribution deadline: 10/01/2025
And remember,...Outreach is included!
The 11th Iberian meeting will be held at Santuari de Lluc. Lluc is a 13th century monastery and pilgrimage site located in the municipality of Escorca in north-west Majorca. It is located in a basin on a height of 525 meters and is surrounded by a number of (relatively) high mountains of the Serra de Tramuntana. 'Sa Serra' was awarded World Heritage Status by UNESCO as an area of great physical and cultural significance. This will be the perfect and isolated environment to embrace the Iberian Meeting spirit.
Practical information
There are direct flights to Palma de Mallorca airport (PMI) from most of your airports. Other flights include a stopover via Madrid or Barcelona.
The Ferry may be an option for sea lovers and those who want to include their own car to the trip. There are two available ports: Palma and Alcúdia. Last one is closer to Santuari de Lluc.
From Palma to Lluc there are several combinations of bus and/or train that allow you to reach your destination after 2h 30 min. However car/taxi is the fastest way (1h approx.).
From Alcúdia to Lluc you can also take bus (1h 30 min best case) or taxi/car (40 min)