International Meeting on New Strategies in Bioremediation Processes BioRemid-2017, which will be held on March 9th and 10th, 2017. This edition will take place in Granada, Spain hosted by the Water Research Institute at University of Granada. This meeting is also supported by the Group of Biodegradation, Bioremediation and Biodeterioration (BBB) which belong to the Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM).
The objective of this meeting is to bring together scientists and industry professionals in a friendly environment to share the latest developments and innovations for combating environmental problems. In particular, topics about emerging and priority pollutants, consortium-based strategies, and identification and monitoring of biohazards will be discussed. Other topics such as biosafety and new technologies such as nanoparticles will be also considered in depth. We encourage mainly high-quality oral presentations on the most relevant topics on bioremediation.
Specific network events will be scheduled on the 9th in the afternoon with the aim of building teams consortia to develop future funding applications. We encourage participants to send to the organizing committee suggestions and proposals for these network events.
The Meeting is sponsored by:
#Major Topics
Emerging pollutants: Human pharmaceuticals (antibiotics, hormones, antidepressants, etc.), veterinary medicines, industrial chemicals, abusive drugs, etc.
Priority pollutants: Organochlorides, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, etc..
Identification and monitoring of substances with biological risk in different matrices. National and international regulations.
New technologies in biotreatment: Nanoparticles, surfactants, biopolymers, membranes, etc..
Consortium-based strategies: New microbial formulations, phytoremediation, rhizoremediation, algae and their bacterial consortia, etc..
Evaluation of wastes: Biofuels, biorefineries, composting, anaerobic digestion, etc..
#Organizing Committee
Concepción Calvo, University of Granada, Chairperson, Spain
Jesús González López, University of Granada, Chairperson, Spain
Maximino Manzanera, University of Granada, Chairperson, Spain
Elisabet Aranda, University of Granada, Chairperson, Spain
Gustavo Calero, Director Desarrollo sostenible e I+D+I Hidralia, Spain
Jose María Gómez Palacios, Director Biomasa Peninsular S.A., Spain
#Scientific Committee
Bautista Fernando, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Bercovier Hervé, Hebrew University, LipoGreen Company, Israel
Delgado Fernando, University of Granada, Spain
Dowling, David , Head of School of Science. Institute of Technology Carlow, Republic of Ireland
García Ana M., Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Gary L. Andersen, Berkeley, USA
Gillatt John, President of The International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society (IBBS), UK.
González Natalia, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Liers Christiane, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Marco-Urrea Ernest , Autonomus University of Barcelona, Spain
Pozo Clementina, University of Granada, Spain
Ruibal Constantino , Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
de los Ríos Murillo, Asunción. CCMA, CSIC, Spain
Rodelas, Belen. University of Granada, Spain
Juárez, Belén. University of Granada, Spain
#Confirmed Speakers
To date, the following speakers are confirmed to speak at the BIOREMID Meeting:
Juan Luis Ramos, Abengoa Research, Spain (Opening ceremony). “From biodegradation to biosynthesis: How are biofuels made?”
Jaime Laguna, HERA AG Ambiental, Kuwait “Soil decontamination in the oil fields of South East of Kuwait”.
Alejandro González Martínez, Aalto University, Finland “Performance and bacterial community dynamics of a granular autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite bioreactor (CANON) amended with high antibiotic concentrations".
Monica Rosell, University of Barcelona, Spain "Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) as a successful tool to assess source identification and (bio)degradation processes of organic groundwater contaminants in field studies".
Ernest Marco-Urrea, Autonomus University of Barcelona, Spain “Application of cultivation, isotopic and molecular techniques as tools to remediate aquifers contaminated with chlorinated solvents".
Jose María Gómez Palacios, Biomasa Peninsular S.A., Spain. “Valorisation of the Organic fraction of MSW under the Biorefinery approach”.
José María Torre-Marín, EMASAGRA, Spain. “Relationship between microbiology and wastewater treatments”.
Darío Olicón Hernández, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico DF. “Evaluation, design and scale-up of fungal systems for bioremadiaton purposes”.
#Important dates:
Work-table proposal: September 20th, 2016
Deadline for abstract submission: November 30th, 2016 NEW: Extended deadline for abstract submission: December 15th, 2016
Abstract decision: January, 2017
Deadline for Early Registration:January 15th, 2017 NEW: Extended deadline for early registration: February 10th, 2017
Platinum sponsor:
Silver sponsors:
Gold sponsor:
BIOREMID 2017 will take place in Casa Zayas (Calle Santa Paula 5, 18001), an attractively renovated historiacal building that lodges the Professional Association of Architects in Granada. Located in the city center, near the marketplace St Agustin, it is frequently used for exhibits and conferences.
The Conference Organization has reached agreements with the following hotels. Attendees interested in staying at one of these hotels must do their own booking by calling directly and indicating the reference "BioRemid". All hotel information and pricing are shown in the map below.
The organizing committee is seeking abstracts of original, innovative, and previously unpublished contributions on the following topics:
Emerging pollutants: Human pharmaceuticals (antibiotics, hormones, antidepressants, etc.), veterinary medicines, industrial chemicals, abusive drugs, etc..
Priority pollutants: Organochlorides, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, etc..
Identification and monitoring of substances with biological risk in different matrices. National and international regulations.
New technologies in biotreatment: Nanoparticles, surfactants, biopolymers, membranes, etc..
Consortium-based strategies: New microbial formulations, phytoremediation, rhizoremediation, algae and their bacterial consortia, etc.
Valorization of residues: Biofuels, biorefineries, composting, anaerobic digestion, etc..
All authors may submit a full paper for the Meeting Proceedings at the conference website using the template provided in the platform. Please find detailed instructions below. Abstracts will be reviewed and selected for oral or poster presentations by the Organizers and/or Scientific Committee. Preference for oral or poster presentation may be indicated upon submission.
When submitting, first select the category and specific session in which you wish to place your abstract (see the topic list). Please note that the session organizers reserve the right to decide the final assignment of abstracts.
Please clearly indicate the presenting author by underlining. You can include the names of up to 10 co-authors as well (using “et al.” or a team name is also permitted). Please indicate the affiliation of each author in the body of the abstract and email address of the presenting author. As the first author, you are allowed to submit at maximum two abstracts for oral/poster presentation.
For the best poster and presentation of young researchers (under 30 years), there will be a special prize 300 euros on behalf of the BBB Group (Biodeterioro, Biodegradación y Biorremediación) from the "Sociedad Española de Microbiología" (SEM)
Style files:
MS Word for abstracts: BioRemid2017_Abstract template
Poster: Maximum size of A0 format (841*1189 mm) in vertical position
Important dates:
Work tables proposal: September 20th, 2016
Deadline for abstract submission: November 30th, 2016
Abstract decision: December 10th, 2016
Deadline for Early Registration: January 10th, 2016 NEW: Extended deadline for early registration: February 10th, 2017
How to register?
First you will need to complete the registration form. Afterwardst, payment should be made by bank transfer to account number ES08 0182 0440 2102 0163 5160 (SWIFT CODE: BBVAESMMXXX). The bank transfer must clearly state the name of the Conference and the name of the participant. Finally, you need to send us the bank receipt to If you prefer another payment method, please let us know by using the contact form.
BioRemid registration fees:
Early registration: 150 euros
PhD student: 110 euros
Late registration (from january 10th onward): 200 euros
Conference dinner extra ticket (9th March): 30 euros
What is included in the fee?
The registration fee includes the meeting registration, breaks for coffee and snacks each day, all lunches during the conference and the Abstract book with ISBN (digital).
Any questions?
If you have questions about the programme, accommodation or anything related to the conference, please contact us through the form and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
Are you planning to spend more time exploring Spain or Andalusia?
Also, if you want to extend your stay more days and travel around Andalusia or other parts os Spain, our travel agency will be happy to help you in enriching the experience of the conference.
Are you travelling with a companion?
For travel companions of the attendees, we are developing an alternative social program that will be compatible with all major social events of the conference: meals, guided tour to the Alhambra, gala dinner, and the tour scheduled for the conference. Please contact us if you are interested, and we will send you complete information as soon as it becomes available.
PLATINUM (2000 Euros). Sponsoring one of the plenary conferences.
The screen will display the company logo before and after the conference.
The name of the sponsoring company of that concrete session It will be mentioned in the programme.
Logo visibility of the sponsoring company at the conference website, the book of abstracts, 3 newsletters, and the conference bag.
Verbal mention at the opening ceremony.
Inserting a brochure in the conference bag.
Place for the company stand and priority to choose the place for it*
GOLD (1000 euros). Sponsoring one of the parallel sessions (roundtable discussion).
The screen will display the company logo before and after the conference. The programme will mention the name of the sponsoring company of that concrete session
Logo visibility of the sponsoring company at the conference website, the abstract’s book and 1 newsletter.
Verbal mention at the closing ceremony.
Insertion of a brochure in the conference bag.
Place for the company stand and priority to choose the place for it right before the privileged sponsor (Platinum Sponsorship)*.
SILVER (500 euros)
Logo visibility of the sponsoring company at the conference website and at the book of abstracts.
Inserting a brochure in the conference bag.
Place for the company stand.
*subjected to availability
Secretaría Técnica: Baobab Eventos · Granada Congresos
C/Alhóndiga 9, Oficina 4. 18001 Granada
+34 825 125 284 -